I feel so very out of my element today.

Pathos takes over.

Here are the expected and boring contemplations of a stereotypical soon-to-be college graduate.

It isn’t just the topic of discussion in the honors commons which is working to list for Tom all of the movies he needs to see. I added two or three to the list but mostly weakly, un-profoundly echoed the insights of others. Clearly my expertise is elsewhere.

Today, I am like Galinda in that I am confused about how I feel but radically different from her in that I am sure my current emotions are not rooted in a hatred for another being. Just a case of lost-ness. perhaps.

Today is the last day of legitimate classes. From now until May 16th I have one last day of work, a few easy response papers and a handful of final exams. Following the completion of these I will walk with hundreds of other to symbolize the completion of an expensive experiment: Can She Learn?

The following transition into “real life” seems like it will be relatively easy. I’ve been “ready” for it since February. But now… today…  I falter. Ready? I’m so unimpressed with myself while so impressed with the expectations.